On the title screen press 'P' and enter "FRUITBAT" for the password. On the main titlescreen when press fire is flash use the left and right cursor keys to select the starting level. During play use amy of the following keys:
'F1'-----------------------------Adds extra lives
'F2'--Select power-up (press 'SPACE' to activate)
'F3'------------Add extra shots to special weapon
'F5'-------------------------------Advance levels
Enter "CATFOOD" for the password for greets.
10----"JUPITER" | 21--"DRAGONFLY" | 40---"PENTAGON"
11----"SCREECH" | 30--"COSMOLOGY" | 41--"CELESTIAL"
20--"CHRISTMAS" | 31-----"BEEBOP" | 50-"COATHANGER"